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Babylon Grow shop
Cultibox ScrOG net 80-100-120

Cultibox ScrOG net 80-100-120

 In Stock


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Please inquire: +36 (20) 381-2802
Product code: GRO1956 Warranty: According to law, price band*

Cultibox ScrOG net 80-100-120 description

For those who might not be familiar, the term "ScrOG" (Screen of Green) refers to a plant growing technique that uses a net or wire mesh to control the height of the plant.
Make sure each plant has at least 0.3 m between plants. You want to allow room for the plants to "bush out." Screen of green is great for maximizing yields per the amount of plants.
In ScrOG, you generally keep plants in the vegetative stage until plants have "filled up" the entire mesh area with green. If you see parts of the plan

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