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Treat them nicely, give them enough light, water and food and the plants will reward you with some tasty buds. Filtered water is just for rich kids and soccer moms with too much time and money on their hands, not for plants. If water from the tap is good enough for us to drink, why spend money on filtering water for your plants? Plenty of people give their garden plants tap water and they do just fine.

However, if you are looking to push your girls to their absolute maximum and give them the best of everything, maybe you should take a look at reverse osmosis, or RO.

GrowMax Water water purifier

The GrowMax Water water purifier is an extra large capacity 2-stage water filtration system. Great for large gardens, nurseries and larger growing operations. Main characteristics removes up ...

114 350.-Ft
Osmosis filter

Reverse osmosis, also known as hyperfiltration, is the finest filtration available today. Reverse osmosis will allow the removal of particles as small as individual ions. The pores in a reverse ...

31 140.-Ft
5-stage osmosis filter (pH, EC control)

During osmosis filtration, water molecules flow from the higher concentration water to the cleaner water due to the osmotic pressure on a semi-permeable membrane (0.0001 micron). This results in ...

54 990.-Ft
GrowMax Water 3000 replacement carbon filter

The GrowMax Water 3000 replacement carbon filter reliably removes chlorine, herbicides and pesticides, volatile organic contaminants (chemical contaminants, benzenes, toluene, oils, THMs, detergents, ...

19 990.-Ft
Pre/Post Mambrane Filter

High-quality 10" x 2" Post Carbon Inline replacement cartridges, usually used as the last stage for RO systems. It can also be used for the refrigerator ice maker, coffer machine, water cooler, ...

5 500.-Ft
Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 products)