Plagron Royalmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected peat varieties. It contains different types of fibers, peat and earthworm fertilizer to ensure strong plant growth and increased water retention. It contains a carefully selected combination of organic fertilizers that meets all the plant’s nutrient needs. They work for a long time, so the plants do not need to add any other nutrients or fertilizers for the first six weeks.
Plagron Royalmix is a ready-to-use, soil-free growing medium that can be used to plant and replant all flowering plants. It is necessary to rinse with water before use to wash away the immediately absorbed nutrients. After about 6 weeks, extra feeding is needed, depending on the condition of the plant.
Peat, perlite, snail castings, organic fertilizers.
pH (EN13037): 6.4 - 7.8
E.C. (1: 1.5): 1.0-1.6 mS / cm
Pre-fertilized with 10.5 kg / m3 organic manure (NPK 5.5-11-5.5).
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