 SimplePay INFO

MH (metal halide) sijalice ispuštaju plavi spektar svetlosti koji je biljkama potreban u fazi vegetacije.


CMH (ceramic metal-halide) sadrže i crveni svetlosni spektar tako da se one mogu koristiti i u fazi cvetanja biljke. CMH sijalice ne mogu da rade sa digitalnim prigušnicama (trafoima).

U Babylon growshop - u imamo veliku ponudu svih vrsta sijalica koje su potrebne za uzgoj.

Lumatek MH

Lumatek MH (Metal Halide) grow lamp for vegetative plant stage. Metal halide lamp comprising of a quartz arc tube filled with high-pressure mercury, and a 3-band-mixture of metal halogens in a ...

5 690.-Ft
GIB Growth Spectrum Advanced MH bulb (for crop production)

The GIB Growth Spectrum Advanced MH bulb (for crop production) contributes to the intensive growth of plants. It specifically strengthens the leaves and stems, making them healthier and more intense ...

26 789.-Ft
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