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LED (light emiting diod - svetleća dioda) su sijalice koje imaju veoma dugačak životni vek i pored toga spadaju u kategoriju štedljivih.

U Babylon growshop-u već možete naći ovu novu generaciju sijalica.

- 22%
Lumatek ZEUS LED lamp 600W 2.9

The Lumatek ZEUS LED lamp 600 W is a linear multi-beam luminaire that balances light quality (spectra) and light quantity (intensity and duration) sufficient to provide one-source lighting for ...

452 290.-Ft352 786.-Ft
Urban Garden Spy Full Spectrum LED

The Urban Garden Spy Full Spectrum LED is a high-performance LED that can ensure a high crop yield.  It works on a full-cycle spectrum optimized for rapid growth and full plant development. It ...

48 490.-Ft
Prikazano 31 do 32 (od 32 proizvoda)