Biomate Earthworm Compost (3 liter / 20 liter) is a 100% organic and organic, non-toxic material that can be used to produce healthy plants. The microorganisms, enzymes and plant nutrients in the earthworm compost organically enrich the soil, while regulating the PH balance, biological and physical properties. It increases the amount of organic matter in the soil, thanks to its use the plants grow and ripen stronger and faster, and the yield can be up to 30% higher.
Key features
It accelerates the root growth and density of plants, so the plant can develop more strongly, and the resistance of plants to root diseases is improved. The nutrients, macro- and microelements in the earthworm compost dissolve slowly during irrigation, so they feed the plant for a long time, so the need for humus in the buckthorn decreases over time. The microorganism activity of the soil increases and its water retention capacity also increases markedly.
About wormwood (vermicompost)
During their work, worms (earthworms) transfer to the compost (humus) the body fluids formed in their digestive system and around their bodies, which protects plants from diseases, improves endurance, the quality and natural aroma of vegetables and fruits. The digestive system of earthworms contains a number of microorganisms that are beneficial to plants: nitrogen, mycorrhizal fungi, natural growth hormones that have antibiotic effects, and enzymes. Enzymes that are transferred along with concentrated nutrients result in healthy and rapid plant growth.
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Biomate Earthworm Compost (3 liter / 20 liter) komentari
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