 SimplePay INFO

Treset je vrsta zemljišta koje se sastoji od lakog, sunđerastog materijala u vlažnoj sredini pod umerenom klimom, slaganjem i delimičnim raspadanjem biljnog materijala.

Treset je veoma siromašan u pogledu hranjljivih materija, ali je zato jako dobar za oživaljavanje isušenog zemljišta, jer sadrži veoma puno minerala u sebi.

Jiffy peat tile 8x8 cm (with drainage hole)

The Jiffy peat tile 8x8 cm (with drainage hole) reduces the shock caused by transplanting, ideal for planting directly in the ground or in another pot. An environmentally conscious planting solution, ...

Jiffy peat pot tray

The Jiffy peat pot tray ensures the best possible soil quality.In order to ensure the stable growth of plants and the control of the entire production cycle, it is essential to ensure the perfect ...

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