Glavne prednosti dobrog zemljišta se odlikuju u veoma dobroj upijajućoj moći, to jest da voda koji koristimo za zalivanje ostane dogu u zeljištu i da time omogući biljkama dogotrajno upijanje vode, makro i mikroelemenata kao i hranljivih rešenja koje koristimo tokom zalivanja.
U Babylon Growshop-u možete naći preko tridesetak vrsta zemljišta.
Plagron Lightmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected peat varieties, resulting in perfect lightness and oxygen levels thanks to the different types of fibers and perlites. As it contains ...
Plagron Growmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected varieties of peat, resulting in perfect lightness and oxygen levels thanks to the different types of fibers and perlites. The ...
Plagron Allmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected varieties of peat, which results in perfect lightness and oxygen levels thanks to the different types of fibers and perlites. The ...
Plagron Batmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected peat varieties, resulting in perfect lightness and oxygen levels thanks to the different types of fibers and perlites. The abundant ...
Plagron Royalmix is a blend of the finest, carefully selected peat varieties. It contains different types of fibers, peat and earthworm fertilizer to ensure strong plant growth and increased ...
Plagron Mega Worm is a natural soil impregnating earthworm based on composted plant remains composted with worms. It creates an ideal balance in the soil so the plant can grow and bloom profusely. It ...
The Canna Coco Professional Plus nutrient medium is a fine, uniform, 100% organic preparation, free of viruses, chemical additives and soil diseases. It is not heat-treated, made using clean, ...
Canna Aqua Clay Pebbles clay ball 45l is fired from clay granules, which is an ideal medium for use by experienced growers. Thanks to their unique structure, they make it easy to control plant ...
Plagron Promix 50 l is a blend of the finest, carefully selected peat varieties. The addition of different types of fibers results in a lightness and oxygen level that is an ideal medium for ...
Biomate Earthworm Compost (3 liter / 20 liter) is a 100% organic and organic, non-toxic material that can be used to produce healthy plants. The microorganisms, enzymes and plant nutrients in ...