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Plagron Terra Bloom

Plagron Terra Bloom


4 590.-Ft

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Please inquire: +36 (20) 381-2802
Product code: GRO0668 Warranty: According to law, price band* Videó: How to use Plagron Terra Grow and Terra Bloom Uputstvo za upotrebu (englesko) Manufacturer's website

Plagron Terra Bloom description

Plagron Terra Bloom is a highly concentrated mineral-based nutrient during the flowering stage of the plant. This liquid fertilizer provides optimal nutrition during flowering and supports and promotes flowering. Suitable for all soil mixtures and can be used with all liquid fertilizers and additives.


  • is absorbed immediately
  • guaranteed optimal flowering and fruit set
  • suitable for all irrigation systems
  • rich in nutrients

Shake well before use. Add up to 5 ml of Terra Bloom to 1 liter of water (1: 200). Use this solution every time you water the plants during the flowering phase.


Frequently asked questions about Plagron Terra Bloom
1. If I use Terra Bloom, do I need to adjust the pH and EC?
Yes, pH and EC should be adjusted if using Terra Bloom exclusively during irrigation. Terra Bloom presets these values ​​in the nutrient solution. However, the pH and EC of tap water are not the same everywhere. A pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is recommended. This can be set using Plagron Calcium Kick, for example. The correct EC value is different for each plant species and for its growth or flowering phase.

2. When should I start using Terra Bloom?
Under normal conditions, Terra Bloom is used from the beginning of the flowering phase. However, if you are using a pre-fertilized substrate, you may want to start later.

3. How long can I store Terra Bloom after mixing it with water?
Once mixed with water, Terra Bloom can be kept for at least a week. Be sure to monitor the pH as this is likely to rise slowly. Also make sure that no organic matter is mixed into the solution. They can become dirty after as little as 48 hours. Shake the solution and make sure the container is clean before mixing.


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